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Ted White

The Amazing Editorials

TAFF Books

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The Fantastic Editorials

Ted White

ISBN 978-1-916508-02-6
(6" x 9" trade paperback)
ISBN 978-1-916508-07-1 (ebook)


Ansible Editions, June 2023

The Fantastic Editorials brings together all the editorials and book reviews written by Ted White for Fantastic magazine while he was editor from 1969 to 1979. For this first collected edition he has written a new foreword. 262 pages; approximately 136,000 words.

All proceeds from sales of this paperback and ebook go to the TransAtlantic Fan Fund.

Author biography About the author


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From the Foreword by Ted White

I had dreamed, since my early adolescence, of editing my own professional sf magazine (or “prozine”), and my inspiration – at least for my editorial presence in one – was Ray Palmer, during his early Other Worlds editorship, in the early ’50s. What I liked about Palmer was his willingness to talk directly to his readers and to share with them his ideas and aspirations. He put himself into his magazine, not only in his editorials but also in his sometimes long responses to letters in the letter column. I appreciated that. It sucked me in and made me identify with Other Worlds. So I wanted to do that with Fantastic.