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Brian Aldiss

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David I. Masson

Peter Nicholls

Yvonne Rousseau

John Sladek

Ted White


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TAFF Benefit Paperbacks (21)

Most books below were first published by Ansible Editions as ebooks freely downloadable from the TransAtlantic Fan Fund site (with the hope that satisfied readers would show their appreciation by donating to TAFF). More recently we have experimented with trade paperback reissues for readers who prefer printed text, and also with new titles issued as paperback originals. All proceeds from sale of these paperbacks through go to TAFF. Click any cover image below for further information.

Fandom Harvest II
Running Amok in the Fun Factory
A Vince Clarke Treasury
1957: The First UK Worldcon
1965: The Second UK Worldcon
Beyond Fandom
British SF Conventions Vol 1: 1937-1951
British SF Conventions Vol 2: 1952-1955
Challenging Moskowitz
Faan Fiction
Generation Femizine
True Rat
New Worlds Profiles
The Complete Patchin Review
The Complete Cheap Truth
Temple at the Bar
The Amazing Editorials
The Fantastic Editorials